‘5 great reasons why your customers should register a .UK domain’ Infographic

Welcome to the ‘5 great reasons why your customers should register a .UK domain’ infographic. You can find a range of supporting social assets further down the page. 

UK Domain Registrars Infographic

To support you in sharing these statistics with your customers you can find a range of social assets below alongside some suggested social posts to accompany the graphics. 

Twitter Graphics: 

Facebook and LinkedIn Graphics:

Suggested social posts: 

Design 1: 7 out of 10 UK consumers prefer to click on websites ending in .UK
Design 2: Nominet collaborates with 13 reporting agencies, including law enforcement, to prevent criminal activity online and keep .UK safe
Design 3: As Nominet is a profit with a purpose company, by registering a .UK domain, you are contributing to improving the lives of young people in the UK
Design 4: The .UK namespace work with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to ensure internet safety among young people. This year alone they’ve donated £200,000 to IWF & the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation Online Protection Group.
Design 5: 91% of people said that they thought a .co.uk domain ending was trustworthy, with 73% of people ranking any .UK domain ending as their first preference when browsing online 

Should you have any questions or require any different dimensions for the social assets, please email MarketingTeam@nominet.org.uk